Nearby a little city called Selcuk there’s a treasure, the ancient city of Ephesus. Ephesus, one of the best kept secrets of the antiquity. The Greeks, the Romans, the Persians and the Byzantines created this city. Historical figures like Cleopatra and emperor August walked around in this city. In those days Ephesus was an important harbor city and the capital of the Roman province Asia. Over 250.000 people lived in this city. After Rome it was the biggest city of the Roman empire.
But what’s left of it? Answer: a great many of ruine pieces hidden in a valley, bút also some magnificent arenas (i.e. Arena of Odeon) and the almighty facade of the Celsius Library. Once this library kept over 12.000 parchments safe. The restored facade shows the four columns of women representing the four acient virtues: intellect, grace, knowledge and wisdom. The virtues of ancient times.
Outside on the road you cannot see this ruine city. And that’s the beauty of it. You won’t know it’s there, until you’re standing on the site. Ephesus is a hidden gem. It’s like you’re walking into a major ancient treasury. Antiquity comes to life. And the best part of it is that not everything is excavated. What we see today is only 15% of the city. The grandeur of this city must have been amazing. But don’t worry, you could still get a pretty good impression of what Ephesus used to be like.
Hereby an photo impression of what you will see when visiting this ancient city in Turkey.
Here a few tips when visiting Ephesus:
- The nearby city of Kusadasi is a popular destination for cruise ships. After some relaxing days on the ship, the guests opt for something cultural. They all choose Ephesus. So expect large groups in Ephesus during the summer.
- During the summer it can get pretty hot in Ephesus. Also caused by the marble flours on the site. So bring some extra water, sunburn, sunglasses and a hat.
- Visit Ephesus early in the morning. This way you’ll avoid the crowd and it’s still cool.
- Consider hiring a guide. It’s better to hear the ancient stories behind the ruins when visiting the site.
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